22 bilder som kommer förändra din syn på hur skrämmande snabbt storstäder förändras.

Det är naturligt att städer förändras med tiden. Men du kommer ändå fascineras av de här då och nu-bilderna från 22 städer jorden runt.

1. Tokyo, efter andra världskriget 1945 och 2013.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (17)

2. Paris, Frankrike, 1900 och 2012.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (14)

3. Venedig, Italien, 1970 och 2010.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (15)

4. Sydney, Australien, 1930 och 2014.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (16)

5. Los Angeles, 1970 o ch 2014.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (2)

6. Jakarta, Indonesien, 1965 och 2005.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (7)

7. Aten, Grekland, 1860 och 2010.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (8)

8. Toronto, Kanada, 1930 och 2014.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (9)

9. Panama City, Panama, 1930 och 2010.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (10)

10. Hong Kong, 1920 och 2000.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (11)

11. Fortaleza, Brasilien, 1975-2011.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (12)

12. Shanghai, Kina, 1990-2014.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (13)

13. Long Beach, USA, 1953 och 2009.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (1)

14. Dubai, Förenade Arabemiraten, 1990 och 2013.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (3)

15. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1990 och 2014.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (4)

16. Shenzen, Kina, 1980 och 2011.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (5)

17. Singapore, 1990 och 2014.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative) (6)

18. New York, USA, 18767-1932-1988-2013.

Before and after- seeing how much the world has changed in the last century will blow your mind! - Just something (creative)

19. Las Vegas, USA, 1954 och 2009.


20. Atlanta, USA, 1964 och 2004.


21. Dresden, Tyskland, 1945 och 2005.


22. Stockholm, Hamngatan, 1968 och 2009.


Källor: JustSomething, Weburbanist.com, Wikipedia.

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