Couple Misses Their Wedding When Bride’s Water Breaks. What The Hospital Staff Does? Fantastic!

A couple’s wedding day is one of the most important days of their lives. The day they have their first child is probably even greater.

Deborah and Shane had a lot to look forward to at the end of March this year, when they were in the middle of both their wedding plans and just a few weeks away from having their first baby.

On March 28, the wedding was planned and a month later, Deborah was scheduled to deliver their baby daughter. But the way things ultimately panned out wasn’t quite as they had expected.

At 4:00am on their big day, Deborah discovered that her water had broken and it was time for the baby to enter the world – a whole month earlier than expected!

The couple had mixed feelings. On the one hand, they were overjoyed that they were about to become parents, on the other hand they were so disappointed because they had to miss their wedding.

They checked in at the Salem Health Family Birth Center in Salem, Oregon, for Deborah to deliver their child.

So instead of getting married, there they were at a hospital, with Deborah lying in a hospital bed and Shane anxiously standing by. But when the staff learned that the couple had missed their wedding, they had an idea.


They asked if the couple would like to get married at the hospital – in fact, right there, in the hospital bed. Deborah and Shane didn’t hesitate. They managed to gather all guests were already in place, and the hospital offered to arrange all the details.

An hour and a half later, everything was ready and Deborah and Shane finally got to say yes to each other.


Although it wasn’t what they had imagined their wedding day to be, they were very happy with their marriage ceremony. The most important thing isn’t which room you’re in or what dress you have on. The most important thing is that you love one another.

The staff at the hospital did a fantastic job! I wish Deborah and Shane all the luck in the future.

Luckily the wedding was filmed, watch the video below:

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